Kindness Drives Sock Collection

1,023! That’s how many pairs of socks students in Kaelyn Montgomery's gifted English-Language Arts class collected during a Sock Drive held October 25-November 5.  The service project was inspired by their first novel study called “Wonder” by R. J. Palacio.  “The theme focused on being kinder than necessary,” said Montgomery.


Students researched the organization, Shoes and Clothes for Kids, which provides clothing to inner city children who cannot afford them. They participated in a virtual meeting with the organization’s coordinator to learn how they could give back to those in need. Then, the students presented the information about the Sock Drive to each grade level and distributed flyers.


After the drive was over, Montgomery’s class took a field trip to Shoes and Clothes for Kids to help sort the socks, and get items organized to hand out to children.


